April 2024
Dear Parents,
Spring is here. We will be spending more time outside on the playground, one of the children’s favorite things to do.
We are currently registering children for the summer and September programs. If you have not enrolled and are
planning to attend, please submit forms ASAP. Our classes are filling up quickly and I have many people inquiring
about our limited openings.
This month we will be learning about the Solar System, Time, Money, and Passover.
Wishing all a Happy Passover.
April Birthdays
10th Miss Bianca (Miss Jill’sroom)
14th Aurora 1 year old!
17th Mr. Barry our gym Teacher
24th Ethan 3yrs.
25th Gabe 4yrs
April Events
On Thursday, April 22nd and 23rd, we will celebrate Passover with a special snack and story time.
Muffins for Mom
For those of you who are new to our school, we always celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
On Mother’s Day we have Muffins for Mom and Father’s Day, Donuts for Dad.
On Friday, May 10th, we will have Muffins for Mom. The children will put on a singing and dance presentation.
The children will have muffins with their moms before the show.
Invitations will be sent out soon.
Donuts for Dad will be Friday, June 14th. Invitations will be sent out.
Preschool Graduation
School Prom will be on Thursday June 20th. All children are invited to prom. More info will follow.
Graduation will be Friday, June 21st at 3:30pm. Please note school will close at 3:15 pm for all students
not graduating on that day.
The 21st is also the last day of school for June . Summer session starts July 8th.
Sunblock- We do have a sunscreen shade on part of the playground, but your child will also need sunscreen.
Please apply sunscreen to your child before they come to school. It is considered a topical medication
therefore, we need a written permission slip and the sunscreen you want us to put on your child.
Clothing Bins- Please check your child's bin for appropriate clothes now that the weather is getting cooler.
Just a reminder when we do go out on the playground the children must wear sneakers. Your child's name
should be on each piece of clothing, especially your child's jacket.
Sick Policy- A child cannot attend school if they have a fever. Anything over 100 is a fever. Your child must
be fever free for 24 hours before coming back to school.
Pizza Fridays- We will be continuing pizza Fridays. If your child attends on Friday, you can pay $15 per
month and pizza will be supplied. For September it was automatically added to your tuition. If you do not
want this, please let Joanne know.
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School Snacks and Lunch
This is a peanut and nut free school including all tree nuts. Please do not send your child in with any nut
products. There is a sunflower seed spread that tastes like peanut butter that is available. If you are using
a peanut butter substitute, please tell your child's teacher so that we know it is not peanut butter. Also we
do not allow whole carrots or hot dogs for lunch. The carrots can be shredded or cooked and sent in. If you
have to send in hot dogs they have to be halved lengthwise and cut into very small pieces.
Grapes and cherry tomatoes must also be cut. Please note filtered water, and 1% milk is offered at snack
and lunch. Snack consists of crackers, fruit, vegetables, cheese, pretzels, goldfish, and selected cookies.
Lunch is supplied by parents. Please have your child's lunch in a lunch box clearly marked with their name.
If their lunch must be kept cold, please place an ice pack in the lunch box. No food can be heated. Parents
have used a thermos for mac and cheese, soup and chicken nuggets. If needed, your child will be given
assistance setting up their lunch. The toddlers will have their lunch set up for them and will be given assistance
with eating. Please note all lunch boxes will go on top of the work bin shelf in your child's classroom.
Due to fire marshal restrictions nothing can be left in the hallway.
*** Please note: If your child has any food allergies, you need to supply all their food including snack.
School Days and Hours
Just a reminder that you must adhere to the schedule you enrolled your child for. We must keep a specific
"child to teacher" ratio so this schedule is very important. Also there are no make-up days if your child is
out ill and if you bring your child in late you must still pick them up at their normal dismissal time. There will
be an overtime charge for late pick-ups.
Please note tuition is based on the number of days your child attends in a school year. It is then broken
down into ten equal payments.
Please note: We do NOT allow children to bring toys to school. Please adhere to this policy.